by Exotac
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Our collapsible ferrocerium fire-starter takes all excuses and throws them into the fire! This may possibly be the smallest ferrocerium fire starter on the market today. Attach it to your key chain, throw it into your pocket or tie it to your pack but never again leave home without one.
There are many ferrocerium fire-starting tools on the market. Some of these are high quality, some are small and some are self-contained. We set out to create a tool that incorporated all of these features and then some. While doing so we discovered that this product not only does the aforementioned, but it does it while being easier to use then tools more than twice the size! At the end of the day, this little tool can be collapsed and returned to key-chain ballast duty.
Because the nanoSTRIKERTM is so small, we were challenged with developing a new type of ferrocerium rod striking tool. We developed numerous prototypes and spared little expense to develop the most effective striker. This revolutionary striker is constructed of two different grades of stainless steel to offer the best quality finish and excellent durability. The 303 stainless steel component is hand polished then bead blasted for a great looking satin finish. The 440C component is high-precision machined and finished in a heat-treat oven bringing it's hardness to more than 50 Rockwell C (that means really hard for us normal people).
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